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About the Commission

The Dartmouth Waterways Commission was formed by a general bylaw amendment at the Spring annual town meeting on May 27, 2003. The Commission has the power, authority and jurisdiction to establish polices and promulgate rules regarding the tidal waterways and related public facilities within the Town of Dartmouth. The Commission may develop, manage and regulate all marine ramps, docks, wharves, piers and moorings within Dartmouth waters. The Dartmouth Harbormaster, under the supervision of the executive administrator, shall implement and enforce the duly adopted rules, regulations, directives and policies of the Commission. The Commission operates as an “Enterprise” as that term is defined in section 53F 1/2 of Chapter 44 of the M.G.L. As an “Enterprise”, the Waterways Department is self-sustaining and responsible for raising all revenue needed to operate the Harbormaster Office and related services.

Terms of Office

The initial 7 members of the Commission were appointed for terms of two years. Commencing June 1, 2005, the regular terms of office shall be increased to a maximum of three years, and all subsequent appointments to be made hereunder shall be staggered and so arranged that the term of office of two members shall expire each successive year thereafter. to accomplish this purpose, the Select Board shall, upon the expiration of successive terms of office, appoint 1-year, 2-year and/or 3-year terms of office from a slate of qualified nominees submitted to the Select Board by the Commission; provided, however, that no person shall serve more than two consecutive terms. In addition to the at-large appointments, the commission may nominate non-voting ex officio members on an ad hoc basic to serve for such terms as may be desirable.

Powers and Duties

The Commission shall have the power, authority and jurisdiction to establish such policies, and to promulgate such rules, to develop, administer, manage and regulate the tidal waterways and related public facilities within the Town of Dartmouth, including, without limitation, all marine ramps, docks, wharves, piers and moorings, and the Commission shall have all of the other powers and duties which are given to waterways commissioners by general law. On an annual basis, the commission shall prepare and submit a provisional budget to the Select Board and Finance Committee. Annually, or as requested, the Commission shall report to the Select Board and make its report, giving information regarding the status and condition of the town’s tidal waterways and related public facilities, and any plans, proposals and costs for the development, management and regulation thereof.