Dias Landing Improvements

The Dartmouth Harbormaster is pleased to announce that it is anticipated the new and improved pier and floating docks at the Arthur F. Dias Town Landing will be ready for seasonal, on-the-float storage of dinghies 10-feet and under and in-water boats 20-feet and under, by May 1, 2025 and encourages all residents who wish to keep a boat at the landing to apply by email now. The proposed cost of seasonal storage of a dinghy is $600 for the entire season which runs from May 1 to October 31. The proposed cost for in-water boats is $100 per linear foot for the entire season. The length of the boat includes the extra length of the motor. For example, a 13-foot skiff with an outboard engine will be billed for 14 feet.
There is limited space in this new facility so residents who wish to keep a boat at the new landing docks should apply as soon as possible. Spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to Dartmouth residents
whenever possible.
This fee does not include the public access parking fee at Dias Landing.
Only email applications will be accepted. No applications by phone, USPS mail, or in person will be accepted. To apply for storage please email the harbormaster at: