Town Landing
Arthur F Dias Landing at Apponagansett Point

Please be advised: There is a FEE for parking at the Landing. There is no cost to enjoy the view from your occupied vehicle.
- DAILY PARKING PASSES are available at the landing. Cost is $7.00 per calendar day (MIDNIGHT TO MIDNIGHT). Complete an envelope found at the orange box near ramps, insert $7.00 per day vehicle will be parked. Deposit completed envelope into orange box.
- SEASONAL PARKING/LAUNCH PERMITS (DECALS) are available at the Dartmouth Town Hall only (COLLECTOR’S OFFICE). Cost for season pass is $60.00.
- Failure to pay appropriate fee will result in parking violations being issued (Currently $45.00 minimum).
Please note that trailer and vehicle parking spaces must be used for vehicle and trailer parking (or two properly permitted vehicles parked end to end) only. Single vehicles parking in areas designated for trailer combinations will be ticketed. Failure to observe designated handicap zone will result in $250.00 minimum violation, and towing at owner’s expense. For parking ticket appeal form and explanation, please visit the Town of Dartmouth Collector’s parking ticket page.